Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6, 2009

Some plans were delayed, so I spent few hours in the town of Gent. Not so interesting and charming as Brugge, rained all the fraking day... but... anyways :P

Gent was founded in the 7th century around two abbeys of Saint Baaf and Saint Peter, that time the town was known as Ganda. The town needed a special building wherein it could keep the charters grating its privileges, and from where the city guard could be called out, therefore The "Belfort" was built around 13th-14th century. The Beiaard, consisting of 44 bells, is one of the best known carillons in the Low Countries.

The "Cathedral of Saint Baaf" has its origin in a chapel founded in the 10th century and dedicated to John the Baptist, the oldest patron saint of the trading city. The most interesting piece of the church furniture is the pulpit, completed in the second half of the 18th century.